Pomodoro Technique: Why should we use it?

Is it a good thing to continuously work without taking breaks in between?
NO!! It’s a big No. You should not do that. Why? The answer is simple: Brain needs rest, your body needs rest. Period. The attention span of a human is 45 minutes, which means we cannot fully concentrate on the task after the time limit is reached. Yes, you can continue, you might have a good concentration level but is it worth taking a toll on your health?

Chaos Monkey : Introduction

Ever wondered how Netflix keep running all the time without any failures and termination even though lakhs and lakhs of people are using it every hour. As a developer, I was always curious how Netflix is managing so many request over the world without any breakdown. And that curiosity led me to Chaos Monkey. Yes, it is the answer. You don’t believe me. Please go ahead and read the blog

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